I've been itching to write something funny or atleast cheerful in this place.It was taking a lot of hardwork and unsuccessful attempts until I realized something in a flash of daylight!(I usually flash-realize things.)
I'm moving away from Bangalore soon and had to get rid of all my furniture.The plan was to get a small lorry and transport the stuff to the orphanage I visit sometimes.
Now,this talking to truck people is in my list of horrifying things to do. I just cannot bargain! Well,so here I find myself in a place rampant with drunk,noisy,rude truck and lorry drivers(hope mum never reads this!) mustering as much courage as I could summmon and walking into their midst with my dear friend A who's as good at these things as I am.They sniff the prey and encircle us "Medam,you want small tempo,big tempo? Onely 1800 rupees medam".I remembered the only lesson I'd ever been taught about bargaining - Quote your price and start walking away!(I hereby pronounce PGs as a center of learning).
I want to get to the funny part fast so I can get to sleep.Well,we managed to scale them down to 500bucks! Talk about Naari Shakti!:P
We managed to get a somewhat gormless looking Man Friday and I told him my address which was a few streets away. At this point I must stop the story to write about a thing the foreign folk in my office keep complaining about. Apparently,Indians have a habit of yessing around even when they don't understand something.They will not ask a question in order not to reveal that they don't know even if it might cost them their life. :D.Mr. Gormless ManFriday was yes Medaming me around that he knew the way and told me he'll follow me while I went ahead in an auto.
Now our auto guy decided to take us on a joy ride just then.So we were circling my area for fifteen minutes without reaching it.Meanwhile,the lorry disappeared from our view.We frantically started looking over all the streets.Thats when I realized that there's no point keeping a phone on me all the time if I forget to take people's numbers.A called up Just Dial trying to get another tempo,they sent her a list of tourist package providers.Why don't we ask questions when we don't understand what the other person wants?!
We searched high and we searched low. I didn't feel like returning home without a lorry in tow.Just as we were giving up..we see a familiar green vehicle coming towards us.Yeah,the number plate matches too!2856!We wave at it hysterically...The driver is looking around searching...ignores the two wildly waving creatures on the road..and wooshes past us in gust of dust and smoke! !@#%^&$%^&#^beep%&%^*&^&beep
After a few disheartening minutes we see a running tempo with stuff already in it.We decide to try our luck anyway and after a bit more haggling during which I don't pretend to walk away,we manage to trim him down to 500 bucks too!
Don't ask me what it was like to sit in a truck and get to the orphanage (Ok I'll admit it wasn't so bad!)
As we start nearing the orphanage,I start preparing my lines for a second round of bargaining.You see they never stick to what they've agreed upon a few minutes ago
Wonder of wonders he seems to have softened at the sight of the orphanage and doesn't even grumble again while helping me unload the furniture.He actually tells me "Medam,you leave it,I will do it" and very unbelievably doesn't ask for a penny extra!(I've sometimes been told I should trust people more).
Well the day ended with me treating A to a sandwich at CCD(She wouldn't listen to me about going to a better place!)
Moral of the story : Don't sweat over trouble that you haven't encountered yet!
And that when a problem is history,you will always laugh at your past self so chillax!
hear hear!!