
Feb 1, 2010

I have a plan today which I'm prepared to swear by my own blood,I will not let go down the drain like all my other plans.

I will find happiness in all the small possessions I have.I will not dream of finding happiness with or in people. If it comes my way,that'll be accepted but I will not chase people to make me happy.At the same time I will not make any sacrifices where I should be able to do without making any. My happiness or sadness will not be dependent on anyone's actions. I will read a lot more and give myself a lot better company.I will make up my own interesting conversations to keep me interested in life. I pray that all this won't be impossible to do..The world's a big place with so much to discover and so much to live for. My life won't go wasted searching for things I might never find.I will take good care of and be happy with all that stays with me and is in my hands.

I once wrote about myself that I dream of baking,gardening and running a library all three of which I haven't been doing..It looks like I did have it right in the impulsive moment that I wrote those words..Those are the kind of dreams I want to have and should have.

I will never let myself be used in anyway and if with all the things that I have seen,I still get abused by people.I will not complain about it cause I would deserve it for not learning life's lessons well enough.

Life's too valuable. We were born individuals for a reason. I will not look for the comfort of groups anymore.I will find my own way to the malls or shops in any country at any time or not go at all.

I think its also time to stop ignoring my TV.I will get it fixed and start watching. Atleast,all that the poor thing demands from me is a plug point.

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