
May 29, 2013

I woke up this morning to some incomprehensible news.

Katy Perry apologized to a little known rapper who threatened to assault her, apart from sending her other sexually explicit insults on twitter, because she wasn't impressed by the subject of his song titled "I hate being sober".

Let's try and make sense of this. Katy Perry didn't like a song very much so the 'artist' threatened to beat her up and she tried to pacify him by apologizing.

This is very alarming on many levels. I've never expected Katy Perry to be the role model of our generation nor do I have her songs on a loop. I didn't expect a woman with millions of dollars and a security entourage to buckle before a seventeen year old teenager with too big a head and too little talent even if he's known to be a violent lech.

I remembered an incident that happened to me only two weeks ago. Every now and then, among all the creeps on the road who are out trying to x-ray every girl that walks, is one who will actually follow you around and hiss obscenities at you till your nails are digging into a can of pepper spray and trying to find the pointiest part of your keys. I was accosted by my 'admirer' just outside an ATM and even though I got scared, it made me more angry at being messed around with like this. So, I turned back and yelled at him until every one in the vicinity had heard me. I didn't win. I couldn't compete with him in choosing the vilest words but I know I would have felt thoroughly ashamed if I'd just slunk away without at least letting him know that he couldn't simply walk away with his stupid grin, congratulating himself on making me uncomfortable.

I don't have a career as grand as Katy Perry's. I'm sure she's a very brave person to have made her life as large as it is but I am quite disappointed. I know I'll never be a fan.

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