
Feb 7, 2010

So what shall it be?

I started blogging regularly, fairly recently.It has been only about me so far.I blog just to kill time and for fun.When I started some months ago it was because of a friend who insisted that I blog. I had a follower before I had a blog! :D

Well,I got tired after the first two or three posts and didn't come back for many months. I came back only when I found myself shut up in my room in Bangalore with little to do and very few people to talk to after coming back home from work. I started again. In the beginning I only knew what my blog wouldn't be like - I won't get into the details here.

I read other blogs too starting with the one belonging to my friend who'd asked me to write. He has a very popular blog where he writes about Politics,Social issues,Religion,Society all serious subjects written with a lot of good humour. Last night, I checked out some blogs dedicated to photography, travelling,wine-tasting,cooking,poetry,pets,charity,even some teenagers outbursts against cheater boyfriends/girlfriends and other quaint things.

There's been something on my mind and I thought about it again. All the blogs that I've seen so far seem to have a central theme,a specific subject that they usually write on.Its like ..well..a blog with some definite idea/purpose?

I wracked my brains a bit about what subject I'd write about if I had had some specific purpose in mind when I started. Its fun reading when other people write
about politics etc. I just can't see myself writing on the same things.It'd obviously require more time and commitment than I'm prepared to give.I guess the easiest thing to write is about one's own life so here I am.

I watched a movie called Julie and Julia.The story is about a woman who starts a blog where she tracks her progress on the task of cooking all recipes from her favourite cook book.It was based on a true story and it looked awesome with all the day and recipe counter tools on the page.

At the end of this post I still don't have a particular subject that I could dedicate my blog towards.I'm not dissatisfied either with how things are now.
I have a wise friend who reigns me in by saying something when I start thinking too much or making too many plans - "Go with the flow". I think I'll take that opinion.

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