
Apr 17, 2010

I saw something interesting on the streets of San Jose on April 15. People were celebrating TAX DAY! April 15 is a tax filing date. I saw some really funny placards and people were cheering on the roads.

There was a lady carrying a chart which showed Obama strangling a long necked swan by its neck and saying "its for your own good".

There were also a lot of kids in white shirts that screamed the word "Exemption!". Lol!

I forget all the other witty one-liners I saw. When I was back in India, I remember how everybody admired Obama. I don't know if I see it wrong or if people here really don't like Obama..


  1. Actually, the stark truth is that taxes have gone down for 98% of Americans or more...The funny thing is that many of these morons who participate in these rallies avail of insurance programs like medicare (which are supposed to be 'socialized' programs paid for by the govt)

    TV shows like the Daily Show by Jon Stewart have exposed the 'Tea party' movement for the sham that it is. They themselves have no idea why they are protesting actually..In fact some of the placards read "Get your government hands off my medicare !"

    The main instigators in this regard are right wing lunatics like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh who incite mob fury and utilize people's hidden prejudices (read racism) for their own selfish ends

  2. Hey Tejas,I didn't realize there was so much behind it.Guess a major percentage of all protests are made up of people who are completely clueless about what they are protesting against :p

    Well, atleast their drawings were funny.

  3. Yeah...I dunno if u are interested in politics/ contemporary US affairs
    But if u are, do lookup Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. They have shows called "The Daily Show" and the "Colbert Report" respectively.

    They provide a satirical/comical view on contemporary affairs and it is funny to note that they are actually the most reliable and unbiased of the whole lot. I watch it everyday (partly out of sheer joblessness of course :P)

    Some of my favorite ones

  4. I checked out the video. It was hilarious!Brutal..if I may add.

    I don't watch a lot of TV,unfortunately..Good pointer! Thanks for the link!
