
Jan 20, 2010

Today's goal is to try not to be as gloomy as San Jose's weather. I never thought I could have two different temperatures at the same time on my arms.The cold is absolutely biting and the rain makes it worse.I don't want to imagine how folks on the east coast are getting along in the snow.

I solemnly swear I shall not crib more than one sentence per para from now on!

I really need to be optimistic right now but its so difficult.Its been a week in this new country but I still can't get accustomed to the change especially the weather.I've been listening to the radio a lot to distract myself.Shashi Kapoor in his young days was a sight for sore eyes.I've been tuning into youtube a lot to watch some of his famous song videos.I think I'll play some of Nazia Hassan's music now. Its a pity I don't see any nice people or nice songs in Indian pop music these days..I had a lousy veg wrap in this all-meat eating country today (1)

I'm looking forward to Saturday shopping at one of the malls here.Pray it doesn't rain! I'll try catching the Winchester Mystery House too one of these weekends.It has a fascinating history which I'll write about after I've been there.If it rains on saturday,somebody gonna get a hurt real bad...yeah probably,Russel Peters before bed is a good idea.I need to get back to work now (2)


Yay! I cribbed only twice, it could have been so much more!I deserve an MTR Ready to Eat for dinner!(this isn't 3,we already stopped counting a few lines ago)


  1. Nice (actually not so nice) to come across a fellow veggie struggling in the US :)
    The options are so limited when u eat outside at Subway or any other chain..hope u have an indian place or smth closeby.
    So, are u doing ur MS here ? (hope I'm not being intrusive)

    PS: The Winchester place was so-so...never thought guns would bore me, but I guess it was the redundancy in the sheer no. of guns. Hope u like it though :)

  2. Hi there, If there is an Indian place closeby I haven't had a chance to discover it yet cause of this dratted rain.I did see some chaat shops in Sunnyvale though.

    No,I'm not doing my MS here.

    Winchester mystery house wasn't that great?I still have hopes from it.

  3. Well, once U've seen a few guns, U've seen them all...but of course, being a historical place, wouldn't hurt to visit :)

    Seen Avatar yet ?

  4. I was going there more for the ghosts than the guns.

    Nope,missed that one

  5. Ohh u missed Avatar ? It's pretty good..saw it 2 times :)
    The 3D effects are spellbinding
